Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sad, Wandering and Reflective Worthless Comments Concerning the Irish Snatching Defeat Out of the Jaws of Victory

Somewhat enjoyed my first tailgate experience and watching the ND-Michigan game live and personal.

12 Observations in no particular order.

1. Skunkbear fans are by far the most obnoxious bunch of morons I have ever had the unpleasureable opportunity of sharing oxygen with.  They should all be traded to the Iranians for the two remaining American hikers they are holding.

2. If Nate Montana had connected on the last play of the half, Coach Kelly would have been the first Coach in Notre Dame history to be carried off the field after his second game. 

3. There were way too ‘special recognitions’ (during just about every TV time-out and game pause opportunity). It began to mean absolutely nothing.

4. I’d trade D. Robinson for all five Notre Dame quarterbacks.

5. Have attended 10-15 IRISH home games, I have never heard the crowd so loud.

6. The stadium PA system sucks.

7. I have never seen a male baton twirler (Skunkbear band) and never want to see another one.

8. The Notre Dame defense was gassed on the last UM drive. Give them a break.

9. My theory of why normally the Stadium crowd is rather vanilla. Way too many geriatric Notre Dame fans that can only with great effort climb the steps to find their seats. Don’t know if they are very old alumni or have their name on a building.

10. Within 40 feet of our tailgate operation two separate groups were stone cold drunk and it was only 10:30 a.m. After the game when we returned, they were gone and they trashed there areas with cans, bottles, litter. No wonder the Administration does not want to host a night day, giving idiots like this an entire day to get liquored up.

11. After Rudolph ran into the end zone, I must have hugged ten total strangers and I was sober.

12. Skunkbear fans were way too numerous and scattered all over the place. Thank you Notre Dame fans that sold your ticket for a few extra bucks.

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