Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lighting a Candle at the Grotto

Sometimes you have to go with your gut.  Screw the expense.  This is important for Notre Dame Football.
Fire up the Gulfstream IV, submit the flight plan for South Bend.  We here at Subway Alumni Station are on a MISSION.  No one can stop us.

Kiss the spouse goodbye for a day. The entire SAS staff is going to the Grotto.

The students are on winter break, we can't call on them.  It is up to us, the loyal subway alumni!

So Rich Rodriguez got fired.  So be it.
The issue is Jim Harbaugh.  Obviously a very good coach.
We do not want him at Stanford where he cleaned our clock in 2010.
We do not want him at Michigan for obvious reasons.

We are lighting candles like crazy even as this is being typed at the Grotto.
Why?  That the 49er's or the Broncos will offer him $$$$$$$$$.
Thank you for reading.
Go Irish. 

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