Saturday, July 2, 2011

Notre Dame Student-Athlete Compensation

Every time a student-athlete transgresses from the NCAA Rule Book, whether it’s taking money, selling sports memorabilia, getting too cozy with a sports agent or someway profiting from their unique status, a hew and cry goes up from the uninformed. You have heard it a dozen times the latest just this spring with the OSU scandal.

“The student-athletes perform for the University, they should get paid. The University uses (abuses) them like borrowed mules. The NFL, NBA, MLB will pay them big $$ as soon as they leave the confines of the University and NCAA jurisdiction anyway.”
Keep in mind, athletic scholarships are merit and renewed yearly.
Only 1.8% of college football players become professional football players.

Athletic scholarships cover: Tuition and Fees, Room and Board, Books and Supplies. Simple reasoning dictates that an education at a top-notch university is not equal to an education at a small public college. The costs are greatly different and the playing environment is completely different. You get more for your scholarship money in the long run at a high priced university.
Let us look at some numbers.

Annual cost of a Notre Dame athletic scholarship is about:

Cost of Attendance at Notre Dame 2011-2012:

Tuition and Fees:
Room and Board:
Books and Supplies:
Total Cost of Attendance:

The costs rise yearly of course.
Summer school is all but mandatory for football players. Not to worry they are compensated by scholarship accordingly for the summer semester classes they attend, workouts and participation in unsupervised training and practice.

However, this is not all a student-athletic is entitled to or eligible to receive.

Pell Grants. The Department of Education has a formula based upon a parent’s wealth/earning power. It can be save to say that those in need get it; those that don't do not need it anyway. That is $5,500 per year that the student-athletic can do with what he pleases. It is a grant not a loan. No repayment, just part of our national debt.

Clothing Allowance. If student-athletics qualify for a Pell Grant, they qualify for a yearly $500 to spend on whatever they want to wear. Enforcement is up to the university Compliance Department and receipts are normally required. We do not know if Notre Dame or the Head Coach can say buy a suit for traveling or whether the student-athletic is allowed to purchase Nike shoes and hats. Notre Dame would not return our calls.
Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund. A pot of NCAA funds allocated to each school for all student-athletics, around $200,000 annually. If a football player needs gas money, plane ticket home, extra clothes, or emergency situation arises they can get it from the Athletic Department.

Room and Board. As noted above, that is $11,390 at Notre Dame. If a student-athletic lives off-campus, they get that amount instead of living in Sorin Hall and eating in the South Dining Hall. (Freshmen must live on campus) We could not find out if the mandatory Training Table evening meals were deducted from the 'board' those football players living off-campus. Also we are unsure of the Team rules for living off-campus at Notre Dame. Two or three football players sharing an apartment or house can probably make out OK with a little extra spending money to boot.
Some Miscellaneous Perks of the student-athletic (football player) receives that are not so tangible:

Free publicity, TV, multimedia exposure. Playing before millions. All Notre Dame game’s are obviously televised.

Limited number of football and bowl tickets that they must purchase.

Incredible networking in the sports world. Meeting former players, coaches, and people of influence.
Travel to some American cities they may not have had the opportunity to visit. In 2012, the Notre Dame Football Team is going Dublin Ireland.

Some of the best free health care, physical therapy, training rooms available.
Tons of educational assistance and tutoring.

Free football gear, shirts, hats, shoes, etc.
Bowl game goodies. Read here.

Possible championship ring.

Still some players with god-given talent abuse these incredible privileges and benefits the vast majority of us could never qualify to receive.

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