Sunday, September 4, 2011

Notre Dame Stadium – A Horticulture Disaster

We were quite surprised that the yellow mums had not really started to bloom.  Didn’t they know it was the Irish home opener?
More seriously, did anyone else notice the condition of the natural grass?  It looked anything but natural.  Splotchy patches of discolored grass and worn spots throughout the middle of the field.  It resembled the playing surface after a third game, not the season opener.  Also, when a player was tackled, a cloud of brown dirt and dust was kicked up.  Don’t they ever water the grass?
It appears the debate for artificial turf maybe resurrected again.
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1 comment:

  1. I saw the guy that takes care of the field in a movie a few years ago. He must have moved on because the grass was great back then.

    The campus grounds are well maintained; stadium grass must have been hit by a mysterious virus.

    Grim Jack
