Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some Notre Dame Stadium Game Day Observations and Comments

Walked up to Gate A just as they opened up.  We were among the first few hundred into the Stadium.  Great seats!  Have had similar before.  Section 3, about half way up the original Stadium level before the addition.  Corner of the South End Zone about midway between the flagpole and the tunnel.  Just super. 
Best Seats In The House
Here is where everything is happening.  You have the ND band directly below you, the tunnel just to the right where you can give the Bronx cheer to Sparty and his boys.  Super close view of the student body, the cheerleaders and Leprechaun.  You get to see the flag raising and observe the rich and beautiful people in the gold stadium seats sitting and applauding quietly.  From our seats, the ND Band completely drowned out the MSU Band thank goodness. 

BTW, since the Notre Dame Band is limited to three yearly road trips, why does the administration tolerate visiting team bands every year they play at Notre Dame since it is not a one-for-one arrangement?  It cuts down the time we get to enjoy our Band.  It seems that Sparty and U$C always bring there bands yet ND does not always go to LA or East Lansing.
Spartan Band
Was a bit disappointed that the yellow mums were just starting to open up.  Guess they will be in full bloom when we host Purdue.
Wow, we had George Atkinson III and T.J. Jones run right at us for touchdowns and unfortunately saw John Goodman fumble right in our laps.  Oh yeah, Robert Blanton snagged his pick right in front also.  Do you know why he ran out of gas running the pick back?  You couldn’t tell from watching the game on TV, but Robert was all over the field throughout the game.  Sometimes he looked and acted like a safety, other times a cornerback and still other occasions a linebacker.  He was everywhere.  No wonder he had nothing left in the tank.  He appeared to be possessed.

The field looked and played great.  It was quite an improvement over the opening game against USF where on TV every play when players hit the ground a cloud of brown dust blew up.  Plus the middle of the field looked threadbare in spots.  I asked a season ticket holder sitting next to me about the condition and he said it looked much improved over the USF game.  So what was the problem?
Since we were in our seats early, we got 90 full minutes of just terrible music (?) from the PA speakers.  Is that garbage the only type music (?) they are allowed to play?  Is this part of the new Notre Dame family friendly environment?    The music (?) stinks.  Change it.  Please.

The SAS staff really likes our Band.  We got a special treat after the game.  They performed the half-time show from the USF game that was rained out.  That rather made up for having to share the half time with the Spartan Band.  Oh, the bands combined for America the Beautiful and Proud to be an American.  Just great stuff.

Notre Dame Band
Two things that have slowly changed over the years.  The announcer now tries to make jokes, announce names in a “funny way” and has gotten away from straight reporting field activities.  The scoreboards have turned into feeble attempts at arousing the fans.  “D-Fence”, “NOISE”, “STAND UP”, “CLAP YELL” are all flashed on the scoreboard.  Call us traditionalists, call us old fogies, but we know when to stand, yell, clap, sing, curse without a lame statement from the scoreboard.  If you want to create something along the lines of Michigan, then erect a couple of junbotrans.   Geez.

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