Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who’s Goin To The Ship?

Scene of the Ship

So who’s going to the BCS National Championship Game?  Watched the video of the visitors’ locker room and at first didn’t understand the Irish players yelling and dancing “Going to the Ship”.  Well come on, it’s been 24 years and it wasn’t called the BCS National Championship Game back in Tempe at the Fiesta Bowl nor nicknamed the Ship.  Kids these days sure are different.
Apparently a lot of Notre Dame Alumni are wanting to go to the Ship.  According to the ND ticket office as of a couple of days ago they had over 50,000 requests for tickets.  The per school allocation is 17,000 and ND indicated 3,000 would go to students.  In a way, 3,000 are not very many when you consider Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross Junior College are in the mix as well.  After all they are the loyalist.  It is their team more than it is ours.

Each team member, coach, certain staff, university staff and faculty member, Board of Trustee member and god knows who else gets 2 tickets apiece (and obviously in some cases more).  I’m sure the mayor of South Bend is in mix somewhere.  Everyone pays for those tickets.
A certain amount goes into a lottery for those alumni who were in the 2012 season ticket lottery and made a donation to the alumni fund.

Face value of each ticket is $350.
The Sun Life Stadium (Orange Bowl) seating is 75,540.

So if you are the general public, Domers who got shutout of the 17,000 allocation and subsequent lottery and Subway Alumni like us, what are your options?
First the official BCS National Championship site.  Notre Dame tickets are $1,690 and you buy according to your team.  These tickets are from the BCS themselves and it is kind of a floating price crap game.  Unique but scary.  You can actually buy Alabama or Georgia tickets and sit with the enemy.  Right now Alabama tickets are $890 and Georgia $475.  I’ve heard where a number of Irish fans are buying these tickets and taking a chance.  After the SEC Championship game Saturday night, all hell is going to break loose on the ticket front.

Second the official ticket exchange site sponsored and administeredby the BCS Orange Bowl people.  Here you are pretty much assured of not getting a counterfeit ticket.  Tickets are bought and sold legally.  Prices for one ticket range from $1,260 to $5,000.
Third place for tickets is Stubhub.  Of course none of the sellers actually have the tickets yet and this is a buyer beware type transaction.  Stubhub is a marketing place for tickets to just about any event.  Prices right not are between $1,390 and $1,597.95 for going to the Ship.

Fourth place to look is good old eBay.  Even as we speak, $3,300 will get you two tickets.
Fifth place is the Orange Bowl parking lot.  Buyer beware.
Shameless scapler scam artist
Since the Irish know they are going to the Ship, fans have a tremendous advantage over Alabama or Georgia.  We should be well represented in Miami.

A number of staff members are flying down and using The Station here as a base and taking a staff car down to Miami.  Senior staff members here plan on laying in a generous supply of cold liquid refreshments, various hot and cold snacks, treats and munchies.  We are close to the refrigerator, bathrooms, and instant replay.  Plus our wallets and purses have not been depleted.

Go Irish.  Beat Georgia or Alabama







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