Saturday, December 1, 2012

Notre Dame Football Potpourri

Cartoon – Well I guess if you are an SEC fan you probably would snicker at the cartoon.  At least its’ not something derogatory or hateful about the Pope or the Irish Catholics.  Of course the NC is still almost five weeks away.

Nate Montana – Well Nate’s senior year is over.  A well traveled career from ND to JC to ND to Montana to West Virginia Wesleyan.  The Bobcats finished out the season 3-8.  Nate played in nine games and threw for 2480 yards (275.6 ypg) and nineteen touchdowns, he ran for two more.  Wonder if dad Joe watched Nate play?  Wonder if Joe could even find WV Wesleyan?

Looking more like his daddy every year.
Honey Badger – Well Tyrann Mathieu decided being a student was not for him and has declared for the NFL draft.  Another street thug out of college football great!  Maybe he can sit on the bench next to Terrell Pryor at Oakland.  They are about the only ones stupid enough to take the Honey Badger on.
Honey Badgers in happier times and places
Jim Tressel – Jim was honored at OSU for his championship team.  These are same fans who demand OSU be considered at the #1 ranked team in the country and a share of the NC.  These are the same fans who feel Jim did nothing wrong and the big bad NCAA was out to get OSU.  Lest we forget that OSU won that NC with a street thug named Maurice Clarett.  Maybe the Irish will play OSU next year in some Bowl game, maybe for the NC.

Watching Lou Holtz and the circus on ESPN.  At 75 how does he have blonde hair and so much of it?

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