Sunday, March 24, 2013

Irish Amir Carlisle and Injuries

There are very few photos of Amir Carlisle in a Notre Dame uniform and in most of them he is carrying or using a crutch.
Well the internet rumor is that Irish wannabe running back Amir Carlisle has suffered yet another injury.  This time an unofficial reported broken collarbone.  The kid cannot catch a break.  (Sorry lousy pun.)
He was basically let go by USC and Lane Kiffin over ankle and knee injuries/issues in which the Trojans were not willing to maintain a precious scholarship during the drastic NCAA punishment period.

Coming to Notre Dame in January 2012, he was granted immediate playing time by momma NCAA.  Then Amir broke his ankle before spring practice and then had subsequent nerve damage issues which caused him to Red Shirt all of 2012.
Now a broken collarbone to suffer through during spring practice and 7-7 unofficial workouts this summer.  It would appear he can physically be ready for fall practice, however, what about mentally and being behind four or five other running backs?

The NFL does not look kindly to injury prone running backs that traditionally have about a three year window to succeed in the NFL.

A classmate or fellow player needs to head down to the Grotto and lite a row of  candles for Amir.

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